The following except is taken from the CFA website. Please visit for more information on smoke alarms and electrical fire safety.
Only working smoke alarms save lives. Did you know that while you are asleep you are unlikely to smell smoke? A working smoke alarm is vital to making sure you will wake up in the event of a fire.
CFA, together with MFB and Duracell recommends:
- Using long-lasting 9V alkaline batteries in your smoke alarm – by doing this you ensure year-round protection
- Using the brush attachment on your vacuum cleaner to dust around the smoke alarm
- Installing photo-electric smoke alarms rather than ionisation smoke alarms where possible
- Testing smoke alarms once a month using a broom handle – the alarm should produce a beeping sound when the test button is pressed
- Replacing all smoke alarms (both battery powered and 240v hard-wired) after ten years (the year of manufacture is displayed on the alarm)
- Purchasing smoke alarms that meet Australian Standards. Look for the AS3786 marking
For more information, visit
Do your kids know what to do when the smoke alarm goes off?
Take some time to remind family members what actions to take if they smell smoke or see flames inside the home.
Simple actions like getting down low and crawling under smoke save lives, and every family should have a home fire escape plan that identifies all possible escape routes.
Smoke alarms for the hearing impaired
Special smoke alarms are available for the hearing impaired. These may feature a flashing strobe light, and/or a vibrating pad that can be placed under the pillow to activate when the alarm sounds.
Hearing impaired smoke alarms can link with standard smoke alarms to alert all household members, regardless of hearing levels. When one alarm senses smoke, all will activate.
Other models are portable units that can be taken from one residence to another.
Smoke Alarm Subsidy
Profoundly deaf people can apply for a smoke alarm subsidy to help cover the costs of visual and vibrating smoke alarms.
The subsidy scheme is available until June 2012 and is funded by the State Government. Details and application forms are available through the Victorian Deaf Society.
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